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Oxford Landmark Science | 牛津科学里程碑系列图书

- The Extended Phenotype :The Long Reach of the Gene (Oxford Landmark Science)延伸的表现型(牛津科学里程碑系列)Richard DawkinsOxford University Press2016-119780198788911 平装 496英国
- The Emperors New Mind:Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Oxford Landmark Science)The Emperors New Mind:Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Oxford Landmark Science)皇帝新脑:有关电脑、人脑及物理定律(牛津科学里程碑系列)Roger PenroseOxford University Press2016-079780198784920 平装 640英国
- What is Life?: How Chemistry Becomes Biology (Oxford Landmark Science)什么是生命?:化学如何变成生物学(牛津科学里程碑系列)Addy ProssOxford University Press2016-079780198784791 平装 224英国
- Oxygen:The molecule that made the world (Oxford Landmark Science)氧气:组成世界的分子(牛津科学里程碑系列)Nick LaneOxford University Press2016-079780198784937 平装 384英国
- 自私的基因(40周年纪念版)Dawkins, RichardOxford University Press2016-069780198788607 平装 544英国
- Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension (Oxford Landmark Science)超越时空(牛津科学里程碑系列)Michio KakuOxford University Press2016-049780198785033英国
- 盖娅:地球生命的新视野(牛津科学里程碑系列)James LovelockOxford University Press2016-049780198784883 平装英国
- 鹅卵石中的星球:探查地球深度历史之旅Jan ZalasiewiczOxford University Press2012-059780199645695 平装 256英国
- Why Evolution Is 1 (Oxford Landmark Science)为什么要相信达尔文?(牛津科学里程碑系列)Jerry A. CoyneOxford University Press2010-039780199230853 平装 336英国
- The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (Oxford Landmark Science)牛津现代科学写作手册(牛津科学里程碑系列)Richard DawkinsOxford University Press2009-109780199216819 平装 448英国
- Personality :What makes you the way you are(Oxford Landmark Science)个性:君之如是,何以致之(牛津科学里程碑系列)Daniel NettleOxford University Press2009-049780199211432 平装英国
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